Source code for atomicdataMB.initialize_atomicdata

"""Populate the database with the available atomic data.
Currently populates g-values and photoionization rates. If the database does
not exist, it will be created. By default, the tables will only be created if

import os
from .photolossrates import make_photo_table
from .g_values import make_gvalue_table
from .database_connect import database_connect
import sys
import types

[docs]def initialize_atomicdata(force=False): """Populate the database with available atomic data if nececssary. **Parameters** force By default, the database tables are only created if they do not already exist. Set force to True to force the tables to be remade. This would be necessary if there are updates to the atomic data. **Output** No output. """ if isinstance(sys.modules['psycopg2'], types.ModuleType): # Get database name and port database, port = database_connect(return_con=False) # Verify database is running status = os.popen('pg_ctl status').read() if 'no server running' in status: os.system(f'pg_ctl start -D $HOME/.postgres/main ' f'-l $HOME/.postgres/logfile -o "-p {port}"') else: pass # Create database if necessary with database_connect(database='postgres') as con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select datname from pg_database') dbs = [r[0] for r in cur.fetchall()] if database not in dbs: print(f'Creating database {database}') cur.execute(f'create database {database}') else: pass # Populate the database tables with database_connect() as con: cur = con.cursor() cur.execute('select table_name from information_schema.tables') tables = [r[0] for r in cur.fetchall()] if ('gvalues' not in tables) or (force): print('Making gvalue table') make_gvalue_table() else: pass if ('photorates' not in tables) or (force): print('Making photorates table') make_photo_table() else: pass