Source code for atomicdataMB.database_connect

"""``database_connect`` - Return a database connection to saved atomic data"""
import os
import psycopg2

[docs]def database_connect(database=None, port=None, return_con=True): """Return a database connection to saved atomic data Wrapper for ``psycopg2.connect()`` that determines database and port to use. **Parameters** database Database to connect to. If not given, it must be supplied in the $HOME/.nexoclom configuration file. port Port the database server uses. If not given, it must be supplied in the $HOME/.nexoclom configuration file. return_con False to return database name and port instead of connection. Default = True **Returns** Database connection with autocommit = True unless return_con = False **Examples** :: >>> from atomicdataMB import database_connect >>> database, port = database_connect(return_con=False) >>> print(f'database = {database}; port = {port}') database = thesolarsystemmb; port = 5432 >>> with database_connect() as con: ... cur = con.cursor() ... cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT species from gvalues') ... species = cur.fetchall() >>> species = [s[0] for s in species] >>> print(species) ['Ca', 'OH', 'O', 'Ti', 'C', 'Mg+', 'Na', 'Mg', 'H', 'Mn', 'He', 'Ca+', 'K', 'S'] """ configfile = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.nexoclom') config = {} if os.path.isfile(configfile): for line in open(configfile, 'r'): key, value = line.split('=') config[key.strip()] = value.strip() if (database is None) and ('database' in config): database = config['database'] else: pass if (port is None) and ('port' in config): port = int(config['port']) else: pass else: pass if database is None: database = 'thesolarsystemmb' else: pass if port is None: port = 5432 else: pass if return_con: con = psycopg2.connect(database=database, port=port) con.autocommit = True return con else: return database, port